Sunday, July 26, 2020

Bears never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk sunset shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Bears never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk sunset shirt is now available at luxuryfashiontee.

This is a man who wanted to have a biological child and did so with the Bears never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk sunset shirt body parts he has to do so. Also, giving birth doesn’t make you a mother or father and if you disagree, go have that argument with adoptive parents, whom I’m sure you have no problem being called mother and father. I'm pro whatever they want to be called. You wake up and want to be a doorknob, you do that. Just be a good doorknob that adds something positive to the world. Man, woman, neither, both I don't care, it does not affect me.
Bears never take camping advice from me you'll only end up drunk sunset shirt
But if you use an egg and/or uterus to grow a child you are its mother. If you donated sperm to the cause this makes you the father. This is simple, basic science. Dude, you're the mother, sorry man, that's the way it is. I bet if I met him, he's just another regular Joe who happens to have a uterus. 
Bears never take camping advice from me you'll only end up drunk sunset s Hoodie trang
You can see the official design here: Bears never take camping advice from me you’ll only end up drunk sunset shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop luxuryfashiontee.

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