Monday, January 13, 2020

Master Yoda Slipknot shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Master Yoda Slipknot shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

I understand not wanting to be next to a screaming kid on a plane, but I also understand that a little humanity and decency goes a long way. Just having options is better than none at all. Airlines are just trying to manage the Master Yoda Slipknot shirt best they can. I don't think the seating chart is meant to cause any divisiveness or insult to parents. Let's welcome these solutions instead of what they are and not give them negative meanings. I've raised my kids and I don't want to sit beside someone else's. Watching too much bad parenting is hard enough then to sit beside a 5-hour meltdown as a parent looks at the screen.

Well, how utterly selfish of them. It's not all about them and their baby. Other people have lives and considerations as well. Nothing worse than being trapped on a long haul flight with a kid screaming its head off and a mom who is content to just let them scream themselves to sleep. I love this feature by Japanese airlines. 

You can see the official design here: Master Yoda Slipknot shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteeshirt.

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