Saturday, February 29, 2020

Testing Testing 1 2 3 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Testing Testing 1 2 3 Shirt is now available at Burhantee.

It would be hard enough for a larger country to absorb that many people, god help Trinidad. You have to feel for the people fleeing, equally living conditions for the Testing Testing 1 2 3 Shirt of Trinidad are going to get worse and people will get angrier. Unfortunately, this situation is not going to change anytime soon. It is 2019 and Maduro and his boys still ruling the country. I don´t really know what Venezuelan people, politicians, Guaidó are waiting for. A miracle, Maduro resigning. You´ve got to get real! Venezuela´s crisis is all South America´s problem, and we are not a continent with a strong economy.

The elephant in the room is socialism, it hasn't worked again and Trinidad is taking it in the face - I am sure somewhere along the line Jeremy Corbyn was singing the praises of Venezuela.

You can see the official design here: Testing Testing 1 2 3 Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Burhantee.

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