Sunday, November 24, 2019

Todas las mujeres son creadas iguales pero solo las mejores nacieron en Diciembre shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Todas las mujeres son creadas iguales pero solo las mejores nacieron en Diciembre shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

Why should our crown jewel who as he believe in himself and his family only. There is no one in Washington DC who has an inkling in what he is thinking. Except for himself only. He has the lowest rating of all the Todas las mujeres son creadas iguales pero solo las mejores nacieron en Diciembre shirt. And every day that he opens his mouth he is making president George W. Bush look good. 1st you gave away a secret asset. On purpose. Then the BS you pulled today on 911 with talking about right-wingers is more dangerous. Why can't you just report the news and start being honest for once. You are creating problems.

Remember how we came together 18 years ago today. This is what today should have been about. I'm done watching you. This hatred is enough already. My husband absolutely loved watching his shows recently on Netflix. His shows back in the ‘70s and maybe ‘80s. 

You can see the official design here: Todas las mujeres son creadas iguales pero solo las mejores nacieron en Diciembre shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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