Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Whitesnake Slide It In 35th Anniversary Remastered Editions Signatures Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Whitesnake Slide It In 35th Anniversary Remastered Editions Signatures Shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

Surely the Whitesnake Slide It In 35th Anniversary Remastered Editions Signatures Shirt thing a parent can do is encourage their child to do their best. I was slap bang average for most subjects, my results seemed rubbish compared to about half my year and my maths was useless. My mum still boasted, loudly numerous times, that I hadn't actually failed anything, I'd done more than enough to get my college place and hey if I needed maths I could just resit. Which I did and I passed. Honestly, after your first two weeks, jail is somewhat fun. Once you settle in and see who you got there with you it can be like a little mini and boring vacation.

Aside from the 14 days in jail, she also has to do 250 hrs of community service & pay a $30,000 fine. I think the punishment, in this case, more or less suits this crime. Not making excuses but there's a difference between bribing a govt official, a judge, etc vs. bribing someone to alter grade.

You can see the official design here: Whitesnake Slide It In 35th Anniversary Remastered Editions Signatures Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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