Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is This Jolly Enough Grumpy Christmas shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Is This Jolly Enough Grumpy Christmas shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

While the last 4 years have been administrative lite, they've gone a very long way to recover Canada's global reputation, which Harper completely tarnished. I'm proud to be a Canadian again, thanks to the Trudeau administration. While I feel that the Is This Jolly Enough Grumpy Christmas shirt are falling severely short of the radical shift we need on the environmental platform we need to save this planet, which is the ONLY reason I will note vote Liberal this upcoming election, I believe in the economic and social values of the Liberal party. To water down the Federal recover efforts of the Trudeau government is a joke.

This is so oversimplified, as a Canadian, I can only tell the world that Trudeau is just a typical politician, influenced by lobbyists and he goes where his donors want him to go. Don’t believe the fairy tale, our true PM is a marketing agency that sells the vortex of convictions that is Trudeau. 

You can see the official design here: Is This Jolly Enough Grumpy Christmas shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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