Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jesus He Is Calling Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Jesus He Is Calling Shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

One humane way to achieve the latter is to encourage more same-sex relationships. This will enable the rest of the population to breed at the rate they are now without increasing the population. Last winter there were many accidents where entire family members were found dead in the Jesus He Is Calling Shirt because they had shut their rooms tight to save themselves from extreme cold. They had left coals burning inside their house when going to sleep. Our planet is just a larger house which makes us unable to comprehend the pending danger. Unfortunately, the government doesn't care what we think. I hope they change their minds.

No dissent or debate is allowed by fascists. Climate change results from population growth and energy abuse. If we want to redress climate change then we need to reduce energy consumption and keep the population down. We can reduce the former by reducing light pollution.

You can see the official design here: Jesus He Is Calling Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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