Monday, December 16, 2019

Save The Bees Shirt Trump Riding Bee shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Save The Bees Shirt Trump Riding Bee shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

Those democrats that run as conservatives or moderates are liars that institute crazy liberal schemes. Please stop calling it a buyback, it's called confiscation. Dems really need to stop following Hitler's gun control policies. You want to lower gun crime, maximum sentences for all crimes committed using guns including the Save The Bees Shirt Trump Riding Bee shirt penalty. Rifles are only responsible for about 5% of all gun homicides. That's all styles of rifles, not just AR and AK style rifles. Only two people I don't want to see in the White House after the next election: DJT or O'Rourke. Yeah, I get it. "Very courageous statement and all that BS.

I don't get how they can say that Boris lied to the queen. For starters he didn't go to Balmoral and ask her majesty to shut down parliament, the privy council did and that remains confidential as do all private conversations with the queen so this idea that Boris lied to her is nonsense. 

You can see the official design here: Save The Bees Shirt Trump Riding Bee shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteeshirt.

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