Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Corona Extra Beer _ American Flag For Independence Day Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Corona Extra Beer _ American Flag For Independence Day Shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

In a thousand years the hoaxers are gonna be crying about the ice age, then a couple of thousand years later crying about the thaw. The Corona Extra Beer _ American Flag For Independence Day Shirt panic was wrong when it was global cooling, wrong when they changed it to global warming, and wrong now that the scam is man-made climate change. I have never tried or heard about these dishes and I am Filipino. I guess I just eat common popular Filipino dishes.

We all have a masculine and feminine part of each soul. We are one. Just as we all have dark and light parts of us. This is good for prisons to have cuz we are programmed so deep you can tell by the comments. 

You can see the official design here: Corona Extra Beer _ American Flag For Independence Day Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteeshirt.

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