Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Guitar Bon Jovi Signatures Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Guitar Bon Jovi Signatures Shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

A president that is accused of rape by more than 20 women, cheated on his wife who has multiple nude pictures online, brags about grabbing women’s genitalia, nominates a man to supreme court bench who is an alleged sexual harasser is on tweeter calling the Guitar Bon Jovi Signatures Shirt of his political rivals. I can tell which comments of men on here that need to connect with their feminine side to be whole. Stop running from the reality of the past, just cuz a man is in a man's body doesn’t mean they're tougher than a female! Projecting on people for admitting their flaws to grow as a person is weak right there.

So what’s wrong if they look at their negative and positive parts of themselves and grow? Prison isn’t supposed to be violence their supposed to be learning what got them there and how to change not keep being criminals! They need this to get in touch with both sides of themselves to get out and be in the right frame of mind

You can see the official design here: Guitar Bon Jovi Signatures Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteeshirt.

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