Thursday, September 26, 2019

Alexei Deserved Better Stranger Things Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Alexei Deserved Better Stranger Things Shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

Surely the best thing a parent can do is encourage their child to do their best. I was slap bang average for most subjects, my results seemed rubbish compared to about half my year and my maths was useless. My mum still boasted, loudly numerous times, that I hadn't actually failed anything, I'd done more than enough to get my college the Alexei Deserved Better Stranger Things Shirt and hey if I needed maths I could just resit. Which I did and I passed. Honestly, after your first two weeks, jail is somewhat fun. Once you settle in and see who you got there with you it can be like a little mini and boring vacation.

Unless you live where I do and they try to rack up the maximum time before they sentence you so they make the most possible they can off you. I personally think she should not go to Jail in my view America seems to be all about vengeance and retribution. 

You can see the official design here: Alexei Deserved Better Stranger Things Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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