Saturday, September 21, 2019

If i’m spoiled it’s my boyfriend’s fault shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! If i’m spoiled it’s my boyfriend’s fault shirt is now available at Goldenteesshirt.

The problem is that this crap started and now anyone can get called a racist, insensitive or disrespectful because one side said it's wrong. Time to move on, but remember to all those saying it's OK because he owned it, remember the If i’m spoiled it’s my boyfriend’s fault shirt time it's a conservative and not a liberal. I don’t want to defend this fool, but I also think we all need to realize that there was a time when this was done with no attempts to make fun of Black people. In some cases, I think it was to honor them and their talents. Resign from office, just as you've asked of everyone else who has done this.

Inherent contempt was the mode employed by Congress to directly enforce contempt rulings under its own constitutional authority until criminal and civil contempt statutes were passed, and it remained in use into the twentieth century. 

You can see the official design here: If i’m spoiled it’s my boyfriend’s fault shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Goldenteesshirt

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