Sunday, April 26, 2020

Joe Burrow JOHIO Wellcomes You Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Joe Burrow JOHIO Wellcomes You Shirt  is now available at Burhantee.

He forced many families to bury their loved ones, including his wife, at this so-called heroes acre knowing very well he won’t join them there. He destroyed many people’s lives and took the country with him to his grave. We as a nation will pick up the Joe Burrow JOHIO Wellcomes You Shirt and move on with our lives. Let them bury their goblin in their rural home. He must rest in hell if ever there is such a thing there. Hopefully, science/medicine will learn from this experience and design new procedures to lessen rejection. She helped science in undergoing the transplant. I deal with facial skin grafts every day some days are good some not but I keep trying.

I feel wicked bad that we have a President that treats refugee children at our Mexican border less than he treats Russians who actually attacked us. But I guess because it helped him win the election he is beholding. Do you really have to be a Harvard Lawyer to know this. It makes me sick that we do not have many Patriots left. 

You can see the official design here: Joe Burrow JOHIO Wellcomes You Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Burhantee.

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